Friday, November 21, 2014

Newcomer to Mancos!

Living in a small town in the shadow of Mesa Verde National Park, I meet all kinds of people.  Whether it's sharing a cup of coffee with a local or visitor, I cherish each encounter.  Recently, met a gal moving from Telluride to Mancos. She is a clothing designer, Rahmenn & Co. and has rented office space from me. What a treat to now be wearing her clothing.  It's made out of bamboo and I have a hard time taking it off, since it's so comfy. God continues to put great people into my life just at the right time.  Nice to have made a new friend.   Stop by my office to check out her clothing.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


What a blessing to be able to go to my son's games.  Basketball is one of my favorites.   I love seeing the boys smile when they make a basket.   The joys of childhood-no worries and  the comfort of knowing that your loved.   Teamwork happens just not in sports.  On the job and especially at home if everyone gives 110% it makes for a happy environment.