Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Looking for a new home? Covenants- Pros and Cons

Are you shopping for a new home?  Many people contact asking for homes or land without covenants.  Covenants are rules that restrict your use.  Sounds bad, however without them you might be buying a home and it turns into your worst nightmare. 

When land is subdivided in Montezuma County (Mancos, Cortez and Dolores), the county requires covenants for setbacks, weed control and fire mitigation.  It's very important you understand the pros and cons of covenants.

Recently I showed a home to a potential buyer and once looking at the neighbors we soon found out that their place was in disrepair and had cars coming and going throughout the day.  If there were covenants it might have prevented this kind of activity.  I have story after story, of unhappy homeowners trying to live in an area that doesn't fit. 

Sure you want to do whatever you want on the place you own, however we all have to live together in harmony unless you are miles away from others. 

Most covenants have restrictions to building size, how many animals,  type of home you can build, and road maintenance.  If you were living in an area with covenants, you  have grounds to get the neighbors to abide by the rules.  Without covenants, you can call the sheriff however getting them the neighbors to change, might just cause more friction.

It's best to do your homework, before you buy.  Call me, Carrie Summers, I'm here to help.  970-759-2540