Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Heart of a Mother

Today is the first Mother's Day, since my Mom died.  Been super hard, so I kept super busy.  Hike at dawn, church and then unpacking stuff from my parent's home.  The above picture was a simpler time.  My kids were little and we did lots of adventures.  Now they are off creating lives of their own.

The heart of a Mom is quite unique and the good thing is that everyone can learn from it.  Whether you are a mom or you tend to "mother" your co-workers or friends, God designed us with a mission.  No matter what curve balls life throws at us, I know that I have a God that has the final word.  This is why I talk with God throughout the day, and try to keep my eyes focused on Him.  Yes, the devil is a liar, and tries to rob me of my peace, however I have God on my side.

My Mom was an excellent listener.  I'd call her several times a day to vent and she wouldn't put in her two cents.  I know that she prayed for me and my kiddos daily.  My Mom's love was consistent and never based on my actions.

I was with my Mom, my best friend for the last chapter of her life.  I saw her strength as she organized her affairs and she even planned her funeral and wrote her obituary.  She did the dirty work, as unpleasant as it was so that her kids wouldn't have to.  Now that's being selfless.

I hope I will be more compassionate to the people who are difficult, slow to speak, and love others for just the way they are designed.

Happy Mother's Day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Are you living in a former meth house?

Before you buy or rent, get wise.  It's sad to say but meth houses do exist.  Recently, I had some clients who were going to buy a home, until they found out what prior renters were doing.  The risks of living in a home where there was meth is huge.  The chemical smells penetrate walls, furniture, floors, and everything.  Many think that just cleaning out a home will fix the problem.  It doesn't. Headaches,stomach aches, feeling ache all over, and not being able to sleep are just a few of the health risks.  Usually a complete overhaul of the house is needed.

So how do you find out about your potential new home?  First of all get a realtor who can become your trusted adviser.  I've lived in the area for 27 years and  I will find out the history of the home as well as the previous owners.  I'll talk with neighbors, cops and help you make a wise decision. Buying a home is a huge investment so don't risk your health!