Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Thinking of renovating or building? 10 questions to ask a builder

 If you are thinking of building or renovating a home, there are several things you need to think to consider. Sure everyone with a pickup truck and a dog in the back says there a builder in Colorado. But are they skilled? This is a question that has haunted me as well as several people. 

So where do you begin? The first thing is to talk to all your friends, neighbors and even at the coffee shop. Get referrals. Once you’ve gotten your referral list together start meeting with the individual builders and ask lots of questions. 

1. How long have they been in the business? 
2. What homes have they done in the area so you can go see them?  Make sure and see at least 3 projects. Ask their previous clients, how much they charged? Were they easy to get ahold of and were there any problems?
3. Do they work alone or have a team? What is your time frame for completion of project?
4. Do they have the tools? If they have a small pickup with no tool bed or trailer, that is a red flag.
5. Will they guarantee their work?
6. Have they ever been in a dispute with an owner? 
7. Are they insured?
8.  Do they belong to any building associations? 
9.  Does the local building supply know them and recommend? 
10. Do they have a website? Portfolio? Facebook page?  Check with Better Business Bureau and Google them. 

I’ve been around Mancos for 29 years and have used many builders who are not qualified.  Yes, I've learned the hard way so call me and I’ll help you not have a stressful situation. 970-759-2540. MancosHomes.com


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Reasons to buy now!

1. House prices tend to rise over time; a home purchase is one of the best investments you can make.
2. You won’t be throwing your money away by renting.
3. Interest rates are currently low.
4. Pride of ownership.
5. Low down payment options available with lenders.
Call me 970-759-2540. I’m here to help. MancosHomes.com

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thinking of Selling? There are things for you to do!

Thinking of selling?  
Are you thinking of selling your home?  There are several things you should do.
1. Get it pre-inspected and tested for radon.

What is radon? Radon is a cancer-causing radio-active gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon, but it may be a problem in your home. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, you're at a high risk for developing lung cancer. Some studies of radon exposure indicate that children may be more sensitive to radon. This may be due to their higher respiration rate and their rapidly dividing cells, which may be more vulnerable to radiation damage.

According to the US EPA, nearly 1 in 3 homes in 7 states tested have screening levels over 4 pCi/L, the EPA's recommended level. Recently, I had buyer under contract for a home that tested for radon and it was at 55 pCi/L! The highest the inspector has seen. Also this same buyer had the house inspected and several issues arose: mold in attic, deck not secured properly, electrical issues and roof issues. The seller was not willing to fix the problems to my buyers satisfaction, so my buyer made the choice of picking a safer home for his family.
As a seller, you can be proactive and get it pre-inspected so that you can get things fixed. Once you do find a buyer, and they do their inspection there won't be any issues and you can more forward to the closing.

2.  If you are on a septic system, get it inspected.  As of January 1st, 2019 homes in Dolores, Mancos and Cortez will be required to have it inspected prior to closing.  For more info montezumacounty.org/web/departments/public-health/environmental-health/

3.  Have your best friend do a "smell test".  If your home is smelly, this will not help it sell.  Address the odors.  Is it coming from liter box, mold or stinky carpet?

These are just a few ways to help you thru the selling process. I would love to tell you more and help your transition go smoothly.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Should I sell my home in the Fall?

Should I sell my home in the Fall?  This is a question I'm asked frequently. Many people think that the best time to sell a house is in the Spring.  Here's some things to consider.

1.  Less Competition- Usually the homes that were for sale in the Spring have sold, if they were priced right.  Simple supply and demand.  If there are fewer homes on the market, you will be getting more showings, which result in more offers  and ultimately top dollar for your home.

2.  Faster Transactions- Since appraisers and banks are not swamped, this means a quicker turn around on getting loans approved.

3.  Serious Buyers-  There are always buyers.  Your Realtor should be able to price your home right by doing a complete market analysis, and by having professional photography this will make your home stand out.  Don't forget curb appeal and that first impression is very important.

I'd love to sit down with you and discuss the pros and cons.  If you are overwhelmed thinking about selling I can help.  I can orchestra cleaning and all the details to help you sell your home less stressful.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Fresh Fruit

One of the best things about summer is fresh fruit.  Even though we had very little snow over the winter, several apricot trees are loaded throughout Mancos.  Yum!  Also Oalthe Sweet Corn is now $8 for a $1!  Woo Hoo!  Don't miss the Farmer's Market on Thursdays next to my office from 4 to 7pm for your veggies and live music. Yes, I love living in Mancos.  If you are looking for a small town with a big heart come fall in love.  Just recently Mancos helped a family that was down on their luck to find a place to live, get it furnished and even do landscaping for them.
I'm here to help!  MancosHomes.com

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Heart of a Mother

Today is the first Mother's Day, since my Mom died.  Been super hard, so I kept super busy.  Hike at dawn, church and then unpacking stuff from my parent's home.  The above picture was a simpler time.  My kids were little and we did lots of adventures.  Now they are off creating lives of their own.

The heart of a Mom is quite unique and the good thing is that everyone can learn from it.  Whether you are a mom or you tend to "mother" your co-workers or friends, God designed us with a mission.  No matter what curve balls life throws at us, I know that I have a God that has the final word.  This is why I talk with God throughout the day, and try to keep my eyes focused on Him.  Yes, the devil is a liar, and tries to rob me of my peace, however I have God on my side.

My Mom was an excellent listener.  I'd call her several times a day to vent and she wouldn't put in her two cents.  I know that she prayed for me and my kiddos daily.  My Mom's love was consistent and never based on my actions.

I was with my Mom, my best friend for the last chapter of her life.  I saw her strength as she organized her affairs and she even planned her funeral and wrote her obituary.  She did the dirty work, as unpleasant as it was so that her kids wouldn't have to.  Now that's being selfless.

I hope I will be more compassionate to the people who are difficult, slow to speak, and love others for just the way they are designed.

Happy Mother's Day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Are you living in a former meth house?

Before you buy or rent, get wise.  It's sad to say but meth houses do exist.  Recently, I had some clients who were going to buy a home, until they found out what prior renters were doing.  The risks of living in a home where there was meth is huge.  The chemical smells penetrate walls, furniture, floors, and everything.  Many think that just cleaning out a home will fix the problem.  It doesn't. Headaches,stomach aches, feeling ache all over, and not being able to sleep are just a few of the health risks.  Usually a complete overhaul of the house is needed.

So how do you find out about your potential new home?  First of all get a realtor who can become your trusted adviser.  I've lived in the area for 27 years and  I will find out the history of the home as well as the previous owners.  I'll talk with neighbors, cops and help you make a wise decision. Buying a home is a huge investment so don't risk your health! 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Looking to buy?

Have you been looking at homes online and dreaming about a new home?  If you have started searching, you might be frustrated.  Buying a home is a very important decision and you want to make sure you are doing everything right.   Here are some tips.
  1.  Get prequalified for a loan-  I recommend talking to a few lenders and see what they offer.  First time home buyer, or veteran?  There are no down payment loans out there for you!  Once you are prequalified than you are ready to start the search.
  2.  Hire a Realtor who will become your trusted advisor.  They should know the area,  are easy to reach, and can work around your schedule. Get references, and google them.  Do they have a website,  and Facebook page? Get a list of their homes they have sold, and speak to their buyers.
  3. Your Realtor will search all listings on the internet, for sale by owners and will be able to help you narrow down your search.  They will be able to tell you if a home is over priced, the history of the home, and do comparisons.
  4.  If after searching for a home you just can't find a suitable home, you might want to consider building.  Builders in Mancos are getting $125 a square foot, and a typical 5-10 acre lot will cost you around $50-90k.
Check me out on Zillow and ask about me at the coffee shop.  I'm here to help!

Friday, March 23, 2018

5 Tips for Selling Your Home

Selling your home is a very important decision.  Here's some tips to help it go smoothly.

1.  Interview Realtors.  Do your homework.  Google them, ask friends, check out their website.  Look at their reviews on Zillow.  Pick a Realtor who can become your trusted advisor.

2.  First Impressions are huge.  So declutter.  Make the cabinets and closets 1/2 empty.  Depersonalize your home. Wash windows, clean carpets, oil squeaky doors, and paint if needed.  Make the front porch inviting. 

3. Take a big whiff.  Are there odors?  If so, try to eliminate them. Clean curtains, stains, and crack a window.

4.  Turn on all the lights for a showing and open up the curtains. 

5.  Leave the house during showings.  The potential buyer wants to feel comfortable looking around and you want them to linger.  Have a snack for them and water.  Also have a sheet explaining all the features of your home. 

Need to know what your home is worth?  We are here to help.  970-759-2540  MancosHomes.com

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Thinking of Selling?

Have you been thinking of selling?  Here are 4 signs that now is the right time.

.     1. You can afford to move.  Sure, when you sell your home you will have money but do you have the money now to help you get top dollar for your home?   Tips to making your home look it’s best:
-         Paint is the #1 investment.  Buyers love the clean look.
-         Curb appeal-  Need to do some minor repairs?
-         Kitchen and Bathrooms- upgrade faucets and fixtures.
-         Declutter

2. Your current home doesn’t fit your lifestyle.  Do you need more space or is it time to downsize?  Do you like your neighborhood?  Have you been daydreaming of building or been looking at other homes?

3. How’s the market?  Do you know if there are buyers looking for your type of home?  How long will your home be on the market till it sells? Did your neighbor’s home sell quickly?

4. How much is your house worth?  Do you have enough equity in your home that once you sell, you can buy another?   

      Selling your home is a big decision.  Want to know what your home is worth? Call me for a free market analysis.  I also have a seller’s guide to help make the transition smoother.  One thing I offer my clients is that I will help you get your place ready to sell by orchestrating handymen, cleaners and even provide the trailer.  I look forward to helping you.  

Friday, February 9, 2018

Do you have a will?

A will is the last gift you will give to your family.  It's a legal binding document that gives you control of what happens and what won't happen to your estate.  You spell out exactly who will watch over your children, and your assets.  It is a gift since it will make the whole process of dying easier for your loved ones since they know your wishes.

There are software programs that can walk you thru it just as easy as Turbo Tax.  You can also go to a lawyer or just google it and you will find many options.  Make this a priority.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Shortage of homes for sale in Mancos Area

If you are looking to sell, now is a great time.  Inventory of homes in the Mancos area are super low.  Currently, there are only 3 homes on the market in the $300k-$400k range!  That's a 3 bedroom/2 bath home with some acreage.  With the weather being sunny and warm there are buyers looking.  Why wait to list your home this summer when there is more competition?

If you would like to know what your home is worth, just give me a call for a free market analysis.  I'm here to help.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Mountain Biking in the Winter

This winter is unusual with very little snow, so it's time to forget about waiting for skiing to be good and get on our bikes.  Southwest Colorado offers a plethora of options.

Phil's World located between Mancos and Cortez off of Hwy 160, offers well defined single tracks over high desert terrain.  There are several options of short loops with 8 miles or a full 15 mile loop.  Terrain is mostly easy to moderate however there are several great jumps that my boys love.   https://www.mtbproject.com/trail/621788

Carpenter and Geer Natural Areas offers 170 acres on the North and West side of Cortez.   For the beginner rider there is a broad paved 1.5 mile trail.  For the intermediate rider there are many dirt paths that veer off.  Views are amazing. This is a perfect place to take a ride during your lunch or on the weekend with the kids.  It can be assessed from two locations.  On the East side, it begins as the sidewalk on the northwest corner of Mildred Road and Empire Street and heads north.  On the West end, the trail may be accessed on Lebanon Road north of Highway 491.

Sand Canyon Trail located down McElmo Canyon southeast of Cortez offers intermediate riding thru canyons with ancient Puebloan sites.  During the winter this is a nice warm ride over slickrock and on single tract.  One way is about 6.5 miles.  To reach the McElmo Canyon trailhead, head south of Cortez on Highway 491. Turn right (west) on County Road G at the signs for the airport and/or Hovenweep National Monument. Go 12 miles, and trailhead is on the right.
Time to get outside!